Conquer the Hellena Army

Slaves Freedom

In the deepest part of the astroid belt around old-vegeta there is a hidden outpoast being built by a group of slaves. You must rescue the slaves and defeat the space pirates around the outside of the base and the hellena guards inside.

Will fight together and must be fought first

Space Pirates: pl-550 mp-450

Moves: Punch, kick, upper cut, jump kick, mouth blast, super strike, tsu u beam


Space Pirates: pl-550 mp-450

Moves: Punch, kick, upper cut, jump kick, mouth blast, super strike, tsu u beam

Space Pirates: pl-550 mp-450

Moves: Punch, kick, upper cut, jump kick, mouth blast, super strike, tsu u beam


Fight Together

Hellena Guard: pl-3000  mp-3000

Moves:  Punch, kick, uppercut, mouth blast, final flash, rocket punch


Hellena Guard: pl-3000  mp-3000

Moves: Punch, kick, uppercut, mouth blast, final flash, rocket punch


Hellena Guard: pl-3000  mp-3000

Moves: Punch, kick, uppercut, mouth blast, final flash, rocket punch


Hellena Guard: pl-3000  mp-3000

Moves:  Punch, kick, uppercut, mouth blast, final flash, rocket punch


Fight Together

Hellena soldier: pl-4500  mp-4500

Moves: Punch, kick, uppercut, Special beam cannon, yardrat blast, hell flare, death ball


Hellena soldier: pl-4500  mp-4500

Moves: Punch, kick, uppercut, Special beam cannon, yardrat blast, hell flare, death ball


Space Slug: pl-2700  mp-2700

Moves: Upper cut, super skill, crasher ball, special beam cannon


Fight Together

Hellena soldier: pl-4500  mp-4500

Moves: Punch, kick, uppercut, Special beam cannon, yardrat blast, hell flare, death ball


Hellena soldier: pl-4500  mp-4500

Moves: Punch, kick, uppercut, Special beam cannon, yardrat blast, hell flare, death ball


Hellena warlock: pl-4700  mp-4700

Moves: Hell flare, Freiza ball, big bang attack, full spirit bomb, time freeze

Fight Together

Hellena herbalist: pl-5000  mp-unlimited

Moves: Heal, spirit bomb

Items: 3 Sensu Beans (if you kill him before he uses these, they are yours)


Hellena Captain: pl-5000  mp-5000

Moves: Punch, kick, uppercut, freiza ball, spirit bomb, big bang attack

Not out yet

You aren't quite safe yet you must get back to your ship before the station blws up but first you have to pound your way through. (to start 1 day after part 1)

Fight together (you don't kill them but they run away after their PL gets below 1000


Hellena Guard: pl-3000  mp-3000

Moves: Punch, kick, uppercut, mouth blast, final flash, rocket punch, fusion dance


Hellena Guard: pl-3000  mp-3000

Moves: Punch, kick, uppercut, mouth blast, final flash, rocket punch, fusion dance


Hellena Guard: pl-3000  mp-3000

Moves:  Punch, kick, uppercut, mouth blast, final flash, rocket punch


Hellena Guard: pl-3000  mp-3000

Moves: Punch, kick, uppercut, mouth blast, final flash, rocket punch, fusion dance



Fight their fusion form the next day


Super Hellena Guard: Pl-12000  Mp-12000

Moves: Punch, kick, Jump kick, Yardrat combo, arm growth, mouth blast, tsu u beam, triple strike, fire kick, hell flare, 4-way kamehameha, super skill, freiza ball, spirit bomb, full spirit bomb, Masenko

You find $750