Raze the Power Plants

Shinra Inc. is a big conglomerate, which has been destroying the planet by having leeching power plants all over New Vegeta. Your job is to destroy all four power plants within 2 weeks and kill the CEO.

To accomplish this mission, you are given four sets of explosives and a Sensu Bean

The following list contains the stats of the NPCs that you will fight:

Shinra Guard: PL850 MP950

Moves: punch, kick, uppercut, jump kick, Mouth Blast, Triple Strike, Frieza Ball

Shinra Elite: PL900 MP1100

Moves: punch, kick, uppercut, jump kick, Kamehameha, Hell Flare, Time Freeze, Rocket Punch

SOLDIER 3rd class: PL1250 MP1300

Moves: punch, kick, uppercut, jump kick, Kamehameha, Hell Flare,4-way Kamehameha

SOLDIER 2nd class: PL1500 MP1500

Moves: punch, kick, uppercut, jump kick, Kamehameha, Hell Flare, Super Skill, Time Freeze

SOLDIER 1st class: PL1750 MP2000

Moves: punch, kick, uppercut, jump kick, Kamehameha, Hell Flare, Spirit Bomb, Time Freeze, Masenko

Objective 1:

The first Power Plant is being defended by 2 Shinra guards at the front door, who fight together.

Inside, there is another set of 3 Shinra Guards that fight together.

In the Reactor Room, you are to place the first set of Explosives, but you must kill the two SOLDIERs 3rd class together, first.

Objective 2:

The Second power plant defended quite less, and only has a Shinra Guard and two SOLDIER 3rd classes, who fight together.

Shinra Guard: PL850 MP950

Moves: punch, kick, uppercut, jump kick, Mouth Blast, Triple Strike, Frieza Ball

SOLDIER 3rd class: PL1200 MP1300

Moves: punch, kick, uppercut, jump kick, Kamehameha, Hell Flare,4-way Kamehameha

SOLDIER 3rd class: PL1200 MP1300

Moves: punch, kick, uppercut, jump kick, Kamehameha, Hell Flare,4-way Kamehameha

Objective 3:

The third power plant defenses vary. Count the amount of days since you first attacked the first Power Plant, and use that number as "X".

Outside the Power Plant, you will fight X Shinra Guards.

Once inside the Power Plant you will fight X/2 Shinra Elite.

In the Power Room, you will fight 2 SOLDIER 2nd class.


After the third Power Plant is destroyed. President Shinra fortifies his last Power Plant with his best soldier, Sephiroth.

The only defense is Sephiroth and two Shinra Elite.

Sephiroth: PL2500 MP2450

Moves: punch, kick, uppercut, jump kick, Distructo Disk, Heal, Spirit Bomb, Masenko

Objective 5:

Now is the time to take out President Shinra, the head of Shinra Inc.

He is not powerful at all, but he has a lot of life and always keeps a healer on him.

President Shinra: PL10000 MP750

Moves: Yama Lock, Yardrat Combo, Masenko

Shinra Doctor: PL3500 MP10000

Moves: Heal, Yardrat Combo

A SOLDIER 1st class also defends the President.

With the President of Shinra Inc. dead and his Power Plants destroyed, New Vegeta is safe once again.

As a reward of beating the Conglomerate, each participant receive a back pack that will allow you to hold two of the items that you are currently allowed to have. Also, you can be transported to any planet in which you want to go.