You can only have 10 learned moves so you'll have to delete some to get the new ones, and those that you start out with, are yours to keep. Punch - MP used 0 damage 20 Kick - MP used 0 damage 25 Upper Cut - MP used 0 damage 30 Jump Kick - MP used 0 damage 35 Yama Lock - MP used 0 damage 45 Yardrat Combo - MP used 0 damage 50 Arm Growth - MP used 50 damage 50 Laser Eyes - MP used 50 damage 50 Kamehameha - MP used 100 damage 100 Mouth Blast - MP used 100 damage 100 Solar Flare - MP used 150 damage 50 Opponent only does one move in their next turn Kaioken Attack - MP used 150 damage 0 Doubles the next attack's MP use and damage Tsu u Beam - MP used 150 damage 150 Destructo Disk - MP used 150 damage 200 Saiyan Blast - MP used 150 damage 150 Special Beam Cannon - MP used 200 damage 200 Dragon Fist - MP used 200 damage 200 Triple Strike - MP used 200 damage 200 Fire Kick - MP used 250 damage 250 Crasher Ball - MP used 250 damage 250 Kaioken Attackx2 - MP used 250 damage 0 Triples the next attack's MP use and damage Moon Blast - MP used 250 damage 0 Allows all Saiyans in a battle transform to Oozaru Hell Flare - MP used 250 damage 300 Gallic Gun - MP used 250 damage 250 Dragon Kick - MP used 250 damage 250 Fury Strike - MP used 300 damage 300 Final Flash - MP used 300 damage 300 Fusion Dance - MP used 300 damage 0 When two characters use this attack, they Fuse for a battle. (see Fusing in the Rules) 4-Way Kamehameha - MP used 350 damage 350 Heal - MP used 350 damage 0 Heals any character's Pl and MP other than the one who casts it Yardrat Blast - MP used 400 damage 400 Split Form - MP used 400 damage 0 Splits you into two with each one with half your PL and MP using a whole turn Super Skill - MP used 400 damage 400 Death Ball - MP used 400 damage 400 Time Freeze - MP used 400 damage 0 Freezes opponent for a turn Frieza Ball - MP used 450 damage 450 Tri Form - MP used 450 damage 0 Splits you into three parts with each one with half your PL, but no MP Spirit Bomb - MP used 500 damage 500 Full Spirit Bomb - MP used 500 damage 1500 when this attack is used, damage is not counted against the opponent for 5 turns, in which no other moves may be used by the user. Body Change - MP used 600 damage 0 Change PL and MP with one opponent for one battle Rocket Punch - MP used 700 damage 650 True Kamehameha - MP used 750 damage 800 Masenko - MP used 750 damage 800 Big Bang Attack - MP used 750 damage 800 |